Friday, January 8, 2010


My first warning that Gabe wasn't feeling too hot was some diarrhea today, then the incessant whining, capped off with the barf I carried...yes...carried to the toilet. I caught it while comforting him after a bad dream...I'm not sure why a mothers first instinct is to catch barf but it is. Maybe its to prevent a mess because its difficult to clean while caring for a sick child. Not that it did any good because the minute I left the room to run to the toilet to flush his stomach contents, he followed me barfing all the way. Then he got hysterical as it was the first real time he ever threw up from not feeling well, and his hysterics got Edie going and I start yelling for Scott while undressing a crying Gabe. He comes up asking whats wrong takes one look at the carpet and announces "ew there's barf everywhere"..."yeah thanks genius..." is what i wanted to say but considering the hysterical child in my arms I figured sarcastic jabs at the hubby wouldn't help matters "yeah Gabe's sick, please go calm Edie".

To make a long story short I sent Scott to clean up the barf..heh heh heh...while I kept the kids reasonably calm and happy downstairs. Then we got Gabe back into bed where a peep hasn't been heard from his room since. Edie is also now unconscious on the bed, god knows that won't last long. BUT I survived...for a while there I was getting to the point of tears along with the kids...but now they are both sleeping and I no longer feel the need to sob. Days like today can come and go as fast as they like...I definitely don't want to freeze frame these........

And Edie's crying.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sometimes it's all you can do to take your day minute by minute. You're doing awesome! I am so proud of you!
