Friday, April 23, 2010


My birthday was a bit of a dud (other than the fact I did turn 27, nothing really spectacular happened). In addition, today was just one of those days that if something could go wrong it did go wrong. It started off with getting up early and not sleeping in since I decided that it was too beautiful out at 830am to sleep the day away (little did I know it would cloud over and rain by the afternoon...)I announced that I wanted to go to the lake instead of being pampered for the day (why?). We actually got on the road at 930 which wasn't a bad start at all. We made a quick stop at Walmart to get Gabe some new sandals and off we went. After a 45 minute drive we arrived at the entrance to the lake! Unfortunately we overheard a park ranger telling another group that the Lake was still closed for the winter. How the HELL is a lake closed. Stupid provincial park. Ridiculous. So Gabe got really mad because he was stoked to be going to the lake and proceeded to cry and whine the entire way back home. When we finally arrived home (after what seemed like hours at this point) we put the kids down for the nap, and I crashed on the couch. Three hours later Scott woke us all up and got us lunch. Then both kids got clingy really fast and although Scott attempted to help all they wanted was me. Sigh. We put Gabe to bed at 730, and at 830 and several attempts at biting my nipple off later I made Edie a bottle of formula. I think my milk is drying up which is unfortunate but also a relief. Now I wont have any choice but to wean her. Sorry Edie, but you're done.

So Edie finally fell asleep but Gabe woke up crying and terrified because some *insert bad word here* across the street were partying, screaming, and carrying on. I ended up in his room for over an hour calming him down until finally he fell asleep. Now I'm exhausted and have decided I'm sleeping in tomorrow.

Sleep. That's all I really want.

And thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!

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