Well the terrible twos aren't so Terrible that I could compare it to the reign of Mussolini, but it is terrible enough for me to occasionally want to scream (some days I do!)Gabe has gone from rambunctious but sweet, curious but careful, a little rough around the edges but always loving... to down right demonic. There's no other word for it. He's evil. He now find it hilarious to hit, bite, slap, and kick, and laughs through all time outs. He hates to nap, fights bedtime, and gets into all sorts of things he knows hes not allowed to touch. I have put all my knives and pointy objects up high to prevent sister stabbings and highly plausible self mutilations. He can now climb the cupboards successfully to grab cookies, he opens the fridge to rearrange its contents, and grabs my mop...no longer in an attempt to clean with it... but uses it instead to grab things out of reach!
Thank the Gods Edie has started waking only twice a night to feed! Otherwise im sure I would be rocking back and forth in a corner somewhere (eyes blank, lips forming unheard words, a little dribble of drool falling from my chin) only to be interrupted by Gabriel jumping on my back screaming like a wild banshee, biting my neck, pulling my hair, stealing my glasses...while Edie laughs hysterically in the background. Nope..not even a nervous break down would stop my torture at the little hands of my children.
I'm at my wits end, and the only thing that gets me through the day is knowing Scott will be home soon! Plus Gabe still has moments of angelic behaviour. His violence has increased ten fold but so has his compassion and loving acts. He does whatever silly face, game, or shout he can to get Edie to laugh hysterically. He hugs and kisses much more regularly, and today I told Gabe I was sad because he was growing up and he hugged my while murmuring some indecipherable consoling words. It's days like today where the roller coaster of emotions really emphasize Gabe's dual natured personality...my little Pisces. And my poor little Edie, you LOVE Gabe while simultaneously hating him. But one day soon Edie, it will be him who has to move out of your way (my 97th percentile amazon). Already I can tell that you two will be the best of friends and the most bitter enemies.
Just call me ref. I think it will be easier to hear then MMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM...
You are such a hilarious writer. It's nice to read your blog. Love them.
I know exactly what you're going through. Demon to angel. Terrible, and overwhelming.
I actually screamed the other day. I should have never let it build up so much, but this nap striking is driving me totally mental!
Thanks for the compliment! Im glad you had a new blog up today! I've been missing them! And I have screamed too...actually i screached prolongingly while jumping up and down...Scott was like "OOOkkkkkk...I think its time to play outside Gabe". Gabe, of course, just laughed at me! Apparently my frustration is hilarious, which is funny NOW...but was even more frustrating at the moment. LOL.
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